SQL learn is a must-have app for all programming learners or computer science students to learn SQL programming whenever they want. Whether you are preparing for an SQL interview or any exam that requires knowledge of SQL programming, you can find amazing content in this programming learning app.SQL learn step by step through many lessons explained in detail with many examples and practical applications to convey information in a simple mannerSQL learn with an amazing collection of SQL (code examples) with comments, questions and multiple answers, all your programming learning needs are bundled into one app to learn to codeThe application SQL learn contains the following:SQL learn step by step : Everything related to the SQL language you will find in the application explained in detail and clearly, the lessons have been divided into several sections for ease of access and the most important sections:Introduction to SQLSQL SyntaxSQL WHERE ClauseSQL ORDER BY KeywordSQL NULL ValuesSQL UPDATE StatementSQL DELETE StatementSQL LIKE OperatorSQL WildcardsSQL AliasesSQL JoinsSQL GROUP BY StatementSQL HAVING ClauseSQL CASE StatementSQL NULL FunctionsSQL CommentsSQL OperatorsSQL DatabaseSQL ViewsSQL InjectionSQL HostingAnd many important topicsAll Q & A about SQL : A large number of questions and renewable answers for everything related to SQL Among the most important questions:What is SQL ?Why is SQL ?Advantages of SQL When SQL appeared?Does SQL support programming language features?What are the subsets of SQL?What is the purpose of DDL Language?What is the purpose of DML Language?What is the purpose of DCL Language?What is a primary key?SQL Quiz : A large and renewed number of common questions and answers to test yourself in SQL with the result displayed at the end of the test to evaluate yourself and see how much you have benefited from the lessons within the applicationFeatures The application SQL learn:A complete library, renewed, question and answer regarding the SQL Everything related to the SQL language you will find in the appLearn SQL with many examplesAdd to the content periodically and renewedContinuous update in the programming and design of the appAdd a technical support feature to contact with youThe possibility of copying the content and enlarging the font for easy readingDistinguished display of tests by multiple choice and display the result when completedSQL learn has a simple user interface. Its the app that lets you learn SQL for free If you want to become a professional in SQL programming, please download the app SQL learn and rate it five stars to encourage us to continue